Monday: Macaroni and cheese – Apples
Tuesday: Mince curry and rice – Ouma bread
Wednesday: Chicken nuggets and mash – Oranges
Thursday: Sausage rolls with potato wedges – Yogurt
Friday: Ham and cheese rolls – Crumpets with syrup
Monday: Spaghetti bolognaise – Apples
Tuesday: Beefstrip stirfry on rice: Paninis
Wednesdays: Fish fingers with mash :Oranges
Thursday: Chicken pie with potato wedges – Yogurt
Friday: Snackwich – Crumpets
Monday :Noodles with meat strips and veggies stirfry – Apples
Tuesday: Chicken curry and rice – French loaves
Wednesday: Sausages on mash – Oranges
Thursday: Potato and meat oven bake – Yogurt
Friday: Hotdogs – crumpets
Dear Parents
Thank you very much for your co-operation and support during the first term.
We realize how important it is for your child to feel part of a “home away from home”. We provide a safe and friendly environment, where your child is cared for until returning home. We use this time for homework, extra mural activities, sport and free play. The After Care strives to provide tuition in the child’s own language and based on our Christian values and morals. Thank you for your willingness to help and co-operate when problem areas needed to be taken care of. W trust that you and your child will be happy at the Destinatus After Care.
Purpose of After Care
Children should be happy and feel secure.
Children should learn, play and establish relationships in a loving, but disciplined atmosphere.
Parents should have peace of mind.
Aftercare staff
- Annemi Troost After care Co-ordinator Campus 1 & 2
- Natasha Denton Pre Grade R Homework and Supervision Campus 1
- Annemi Troost Grade 1 Homework and Supervision Campus 1
- Karina Smith Grade 1 en Grade R Homework and Supervision Campus 1
- Natasha Denton Grade 2 Homework and Supervision Campus 1
- Marlon Filander Grade 3 – 7 Homework Campus 2
- Shandré Smith Grade 3 – 7 Homework and Supervision Campus 2
- No Stationary will be provided. Learners must please bring their own stationary.
- Homework will be done under supervision of trained personnel.
- Learners report to aftercare and are marked off on the registers. IMPORTANT: All learners MUST be signed out EVERY day by a parent.
- Learners first change into their casual wear and then have their lunch.
- The daily routine for homework, according to the child’s school diary, is followed.
- Parents will be informed should there be any problems with homework.
- When homework is done, supervised free play, will be allowed
- Parents form an important part of their children’s education and please have to check the child’s homework daily.
Children have to be fetched by 18h00. A penalty / fine will unfortunately be added onto your account should you be late.
Grade 1
- Homework starts at 13h30.
- Karina Smith helps with counting and reading for Grade 1.
Grade 2
- Homework starts at 13h30 until 15h00.
- *** Grade 2 learners need to be exceptionally quiet while changing, eating and starting with their homework as the Gr 3 – 7 classes are still busy with the school day,
Gr 3 – Gr 7
- Homework under the supervision of Marlon Filander, starts at 14h15 for Gr 3 and at 14:45 for Grade 4-7
- Shandré Smith assists with counting and reading for Grade 3.
The learners will need the following in After care:
- 1 Pack of 500 A4 sheets of paper
- 1 Box of tissues
- 1 Packet of wet wipes
- Pencils and rubbers
- Sunscreen lotion
Menu for Lunch
We follow a menu plan. Menu is above.
Rules and discipline for After Care learners
- Learners must report to aftercare for the register to be marked off.
- Learners must show respect towards one another and be honest at all times.
- Bullying, teasing and stone throwing will not be tolerated.
- No playing and eating in the bathrooms.
- All bags must be kept neatly at all times.
- Learners must obey the rules and instructions and co-operate at all times
- The disciplinary system of our school applies to the After Care.
- Unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated!
- Should a learner disobey any of the rules, he / she will be reported according to the school’s Code of Conduct.
Learners have to comply with the rules above. We rely on parents to help in this regard.
A well-disciplined child,
who has a strong foundation and character,
will make the right decisions and choices in difficult situations.
Parents should please note the following
- The aftercare must be informed should any other person fetch your child.
- Casual clothing has to be packed in for After Care.
- Learners will not be allowed to play in their school uniform.
- All items of clothing must please be clearly marked.
- Parents must please sign out their child on a daily basis.
- Homework must be checked at home, too. This remains the responsibility of the parents.
- Parents must please inform us should their contact details, or any other information, change at any time,
Holiday care
- Holiday care is available during school holidays at an additional cost of R83 per day.
- The After Care will be closed on public holidays and special school holidays.
- A special holiday program will be handed out to parents.
All communication will take place either in person, telephonically or via email.
Should you have any questions or concerns, you are welcome to contact
- Campus 1 & 2: General Annemi Troost 060 619 3956 or
- Campus 1 Karina Smith 071 227 4966 or
- Campus 1 Natasha Denton 081 265 1277 or
- Campus 2 Shandré Smith 083 704 4522 or
We thank you in anticipation for your loyalty and co-operation during this coming year.
Aftercare greetings
Destinatus After Care team
Geagte Ouers
Baie dankie vir u goedgesinde samewerking en ondersteuning gedurende die eerste kwartaal.
Ons strewe daarna om gelukkige kinders volgens Christelike waardes en beginsels in sy / haar eie taal te help onderrig en om ‘n veilige en vriendelike omgewing te skep totdat hulle huis toe gaan. By die Nasorg word daar tyd ingeruim vir skoolwerk, sport en ander buitemuurse aktiwiteite. Daar is ook geleentheid om tydens georganiseerde vryspel, met ander kinders te sosialiseer. Baie dankie dat u gewillig was om indien daar probleme en haakplekke was, dit in samewerking met die personeel tot beswil van die kind, op te los. Ons hoop en vertou dat u en u kind gelukkig sal wees by Destinatus Nasorg.
Doel van die nasorg
Kinders moet gelukkig, veilig en geborge wees. Kinders moet leer, speel en verhoudings opbou in ‘n liefdevolle maar gedissiplineerde omgewing. Ouers moet gemoedsrus hê.
Die nasorgpersoneel
- Annemi Troost Nasorg Ko-ordineerder Kampus 1 & 2
- Natasha Denton Pre Grade R Huiswerk en Toesig Kampus 1
- Annemi Troost Graad 1 Huiswerk en Toesig Kampus 1
- Karina Smith Graad 1 en Graad R Huiswerk en Toesig Kampus 1
- Natasha Denton Graad 2 Huiswerk en Toesig Kampus 1
- Marlon Filander Graad 3 -7 Huiswerk Kampus 2
- Shandré Smith Graad 3-7 Huiswerk en Toesig Kampus 2
Huiswerk & Skryfbehoeftes
- Geen skryfbehoeftes sal voorsien word nie. Leerders moet hul eie huiswerkboek en potlode hê as hulle na die huiswerk klas kom.
- Huiswerk word onder toesig van opgeleide personeel gedoen
- Kinders meld na skool by die nasorg aan en ‘n register word gehou. UITERS BELANGRIK: Elke leerder MOET deur die OUER uitgeteken word.
- Kinders trek eers dagdrag aan voordat hulle middagete geniet.
- Die daaglikse roetine word bepaal deur die huiswerk en die kind se skool dagboek
- Indien nodig, word ouers ingelig oor probleme met huiswerk.
- Nadat huiwerk voltooi is word kindes toegelaat om onder toesig te speel.
- Ouer speel ‘n belangrile rol in die kind se onderrig en is steeds verantwoordelik om daagliks die huiswerk na te gaan en te parafeer.
Kinders mag nie later as 18:00 gehaal word nie. ‘n Boete sal gehef en op die rekening van ouers wat laat opdaag, geplaas word.
Graad 1
- Huiswerk begin om 13:30.
Graad 2
- Huiswerk begin om 13:30 tot 15:00.
Die volgende items & skryfbehoeftes moet asseblief aangekoop word vir Nasorg.
- 1 pak A4 afrolpapier
- 1 boks sneesdoekies
- 1 pakkie “wet wipes”
- Potlode en uitvieer
- Sonskermmiddel
Graad 3 – Graad 7
- Huiswerk begin om 14:15 vir Graad 3’s en om 14:45 vir Graad 4-7’s onder toesig van Marlon Filander.
- Madelyn van Deventer help die Graad 3’s met tel en lees.
‘n Vier weeklikse spyskaart word gevolg. Die spyskaart is hierbo.
Voedsame voedsel word deur Kobie Steyn in die kombuis by Kampus 1 voorberei.
Bespreek dit asseblief met Kobie Steyn indien u kind vir sekere kossoorte alergies is.
Reëls en dissipline vir nasorgleerders
- Leerlinge moet aanmeld by die nasorg sodat die register afgemerk kan word.
- Leerders moet te alle tye respek betoon teenoor almal, asook die Nasorgeiendom respekteer.
- Boeliegedrag, afknouery , vuiltaal, klipgooiery en ‘n geterg sal nie toegelaat word nie.
- Daar mag nie in die badkamers gespeel of geeët word nie.
- Tasse moet te alle tye netjies gehou word.
- Leerders moet gehoorsaam wees en hul samewerking gee.
- Die dissiplinestelsel van die skool geld ook vir die Nasorg.
- Indien ‘n kind enige van die reëls verontagsaam, sal hy / sy gerapporteer word volgens die skool se Gedragskode.
Leerders moet asseblief hierdie reëls nakom. Ons maak staat op die dissipline en gedragspatrone wat u as ouer tuis by u kind kweek.
‘n Goed gedissiplineerde kind het ‘n goeie fondasie en ‘n sterk karakter
en kan in moeilike situasies die regte keuses maak en besluite neem.
Ouers moet asseblief van die volgende kennis neem
- Die nasorg moet in kennis gestel word as die kind deur iemand anders gehaal word.
- Gewone klere moet asseblief vir nasorg ingepak word.
- Leerders gaan nie toegelaat word om met hul skoolklere te speel nie.
- Klere – elke item – moet duidelik gemerk word.
- Ouers moet asseblief u kind daagliks uitteken.
- Huiswerk moet tuis gekontroleer word. Dit bly steeds u verantwoordelikheid.
- Ouers moet ons asseblief in kennis stel indien enige van u inligting, kontaknommers ens. verander.
‘n Addisionele bedrag van R83 per dag per kind word gehef. Ons is oop gedurende die skoolvakansie, maar is gesluit op publieke- en skoolvakansiedae. ‘n Spesiale vakansiesorgvorm is beskikbaar.
Kommunikasie vind persoonlik, telefonies of per e-pos plaas. Indien u enige navrae het of onseker is, is u welkom met die volgende persone te skakel:
- Kampus 1 en 2: Algemeen Annemi Troost 060 619 3956 of
- Kampus 1 Karina Smith 071 227 4966 of
- Kampus 1 Natasha Denton 081 265 1277 of
- Kampus 2 Shandré Smith 083 704 4522 of
Ons dank u by voorbaat vir u lojaliteit en samewerking gedurende hierdie nuwe jaar.
Die Nasorgspan