GATE @ CAMPUS 2:The gate at campus 2 is now connected to a motor that will be opened by remote when you push the button and announce yourself. This will improve the security. To ease the flow of traffic we have decided to keep it open till 08:00 in the morning and will be opened again between 12:45 and 14:45. If anyone wants enter the school at any other time you will have to press the button at the gate and announce yourself. Use the front gate to enter and the back gate to leave the premises because we want the road to be one way only. When the back gate is closed you may use the front one. It will open when you get close enough to the gate. Remember that one car at a time can use the gate to enter or exit. Please keep to the speed limit of 20 km/h at all times. PHOTO DAY – 9 JUNE:Prestige will be taking individual and class photos of ALL our learners. Everyone from Pre Gr R – Gr 7 will be photographed. Please ensure that the learners are dressed neatly in the correct Destinatus uniform.
BDG MEETING – 14 JUNE:A reminder that the BDG meeting was moved to 14 June (as stated on the communicator). We invite all our parents to attend this jam packed meeting on Tuesday, 14 June. This will be an interesting and important meeting for all parents. On the agenda for the meeting:
1. Tasting of some of the meals that busy moms can order during the week.
2. Destinatus Choir will perform
3. School uniform – current and future will be discussed
4. Discussing the flexibility and usage of the brain
TONY JOSHUA & CHOIR IN CONCERT – 10 JUNE:The Destinatus Choir will perform in concert with Tony Joshua on Friday, 10 June. This will be the Gr 2E2 fundraiser for books needed in their class. Please support them in this initiative. With every ticket bought, you will receive a CD of Tony Joshua. The tickets are only R70 per person. We only have 30 tickets left. Please get your ticket as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Be part of this special occation! Tickets are only available at Campus 2.
HELP NEEDED TO COVER BOOKS:We received a lot of books for the learners this week and need some help to cover these with plastic so that we can make use of them as soon as possible. Thanks to the 4 moms that volunteered to help we could cover about 50 of the 400 books needed to be covered. We REALLY appreciate all the help we can get, so please lend a hand. We will supply everything needed. Please contact Amanda 021 9061969 to volunteer. We will confirm the date depending on the parents who are willing to help.
IMPORTANT DATES:9 June PHOTO DAY – Prestige will be taking photos of Pre Gr R – Gr 7
10 June 8:00 – 9:00 Open day: Campus 1
10 June 19:00 Gr 2E2 Fundraising Concert – Kuils River @ R70 p.p.
14 June 19:00 BDG – Build Destinatus Group
15 June 12:00 All learners can go home earlier – Celebrating Mr Germishuys Birthday
24 June 10:30 School closes for the June holidays
18 July7:45 School opens
KAMPUS 2 HEK:Die hek by Kampus 2 is nou elektronies gekoppel om veiligheid te verbeter. Die hek sal slegs oop staan tot 08:00 en dan weer tussen 12:45 en 14:45. Indien u die skool op enige ander tyd wil besoek, moet u asseblief by die hek die knoppie druk en aanmeld sodat ons dit kan oopmaak.
Gebruik asseblief die voorste hek vir die ingang en slegs die agterste hek vir uitgang terwyl die hek oop staan. Dit is dus dan slegs een rigting verkeer. Indien die hekke toe is, moet u weer by die voorste hek uit ry wat dan van self sal oop gaan sodra u naby genoeg aan die hek kom.
Onthou asseblief ook om by die spoedbeperking van 20km per uur te hou.
FOTOS – 9 JUNIE:Prestige gaan al die Pre Gr R – Gr 7 leerders op 9 Junie ‘n foto kom neem. Dit sal ‘n individuele foto sowel as ‘n klasfoto wees. Maak asseblief seker dat die leerders netjies en geklee is in die korrekte skool uniform.
BDG VERGADERING – 14 JUNIE:Ons herinner u net daaraan dat die BDG Vergadering verskuif het na 14 Junie (soos op “communicator” aangedui). U word vriendelik uitgenooi om die belangrike en interessante vergadering by te woon. Op die agenda vir die aand:
1. Proe sessie van wegneemetes vir besige mammas wat bestel kan word gedurende die week.
2. Destinatus Koor sal optree
3. Skoolklere – huidig en toekomsplanne
4. Praatjie oor die fleksitiwiteit en benutting van die brein
TONY JOSHUA & KOOR TREE OP:Vrydag, 10 Junie hou die Gr 2E2 klas ‘n konsert om fondse in te samel vir boeke wat hulle nog benodig vir die res van die jaar. Ondersteun hulle en die Destinatus koor wat saam met Tony Joshua gaan optree. Vir elke kaartjie wat u koop, kry u ‘n gratis CD van Tony Joshua. Die kaartjies kos slegs R70 per persoon. Daar is nog net 30 kaartjies beskikbaar. GOU SPRING! Kom wees deel van die ervaring. Kaartjies is nou slegs by Kampus 2 beskikbaar.
HULP BENODIG MET HAND/LEESBOEKE AANGEKOOP – KAMPUS 2:Heelwat boeke is aangekoop en afgelewer gedurende die week en ons wil dit graag so gou as moontlik met plastiek laat oortrek en in gebruik neem. Danksy die ma’s wat reeds aangebied het om te help het ons al 50 van die 400 boeke oorgetrek. Dit sal BAIE waardeer word indien daar ‘n paar ouers is wat kans sien om te kom help om dit oor te trek sodat die leerders dit so gou moontlik kan begin gebruik. Die skool sal alles voorsien, ons vra net gewillge hande. Indien iemand kans sien om te help, kontak gerus vir Amanda 021 9061969 sodat daar op ‘n datum en tyd besluit kan word.
BELANGRIKE DATUMS:9 Junie FOTODAG – Alle Pre Gr R – Gr 7 leerders sal afgeneem word.
10 Junie 8:00 – 9:00 Opedag Kampus 1
10 Junie 19:00 Gr 2E2 Fondsinsamelings Konsert – Kuilsrivier @ R70 p.p.
Ondersteun asseblief ons koor wat ook gaan optree.
14 Junie 19:00 BDG Ouervergadering
15 Junie 12:00 Skool kom vroeër uit vir alle leerders. Ons vier Mnr Germishuys se verjaarsdag.
24 Junie 10:30 Skool sluit vir die Junie vakansie
18 Julie 7:45 Skool open