Dear Parent
A friendly reminder that all school and aftercare fees are due on Sunday, 1 May 2016. Timeous payment or prior arrangement of payment will prevent you receiving a phone call, @ R100.00 per call, to remind you of paying your school fees.
We encourage all parents to download the Communicator onto their phones and also their laptops/computers. It is an easy and very important way for us to communicate with all our parents.
The homework for Foundation Phase is loaded onto the communicator weekly and GR. 4 – 7 do this daily for your convenience. Please use the link to the website and follow the easy steps to download.
We URGENTLY request that ALL school clothing be clearly marked. We have a lot of unmarked and unclaimed items of clothing. Please recheck that all your child’s items of clothing are marked. We are also looking for missing items that are clearly marked. Please check your child’s school uniform and send all the items that don’t belong to your child/ren, to school a.s.a.p.
Please note the date at the end of this newsletter
Best wishes to all our learners currently busy with assessments.
Our Netball, Rugby and Cross Country matches will start in May. A list of dates for these matches will be available soon.
Class sales go towards our Funds for Readers. There will be no fundraising this week at campus 2. Campus 1 – Cake Sale Gr 1 A 1 and Gr 1 A 2 on 29 April.
Thank you for your support to date, we appreciate it. We ONLY collect cool drink and beer cans,
in other words, cans containing drinking fluid, please. No cans containing food stuff.
It seems as if we have a problem with lice again. We kindly ask all parents to make sure that your child/ren is lice free. If we do find lice in your child’s hair, we unfortunately have to ask you to fetch him/her and treat the hair before he/she may return to school. We find this often happening with the change of season and is nothing to be ashamed of. Please help us in this regard.
- Congratulations to teacher Kreshenke Fourie (GR. 6) who was chosen a Miss Cape Town finalist on Saturday.
Liewe Ouer
U word vriendelik daaraan herinner dat die maandelikse skool- en nasorggelde op Sondag, 1 Mei 2016 betaalbaar is. Deur betyds te betaal of reëlings te tref, sal u voorkom dat u, teen R100.00 per oproep, aan die betaling van skoolgeld herinner word.
Ons moedig almal aan om die Communicator af te laai op hul foon sowel as hul rekenaar. Dit is ‘n maklike en belangrike manier om met alle ouers te kommunikeer.
Die Grondslagfase se huiswerk word weekliks gelaai en dié van GR. 4 – 7 daagliks vir u gerief. Gebruik gerus die skakel na die webblad en volg die maklike stappe om dit af te laai.
Ons rig ‘n BAIE DRINGENDE versoek aan ouers om asseblief ALLE skoolklere te merk. Daar is so baie skoolklere wat ongemerk en onafgehaal is. Maak asb dubbel seker dat u kind se klere gemerk is. Ons is ook op soek na klere wat wel gemerk is. Kyk asseblief of u kind nie dalk iemand anders se gemerkte klere huis toe gebring het nie en stuur dit so spoedig moontlik terug skool toe, asseblief.
Neem asseblief kennis van die datums onderaan hierdie brief.
Sterke aan al ons leerders wat tans met assessering besig is.
Ons netbal-, rugby- en landloopwedstyde sal in Mei begin. ‘n Sportdatumlys sal later voorsien word.
Klasverkope is ten bate van die LEESBOEKFONDS.
Daar sal hierdie week geen klasfondsinsameling by Kampus 2 wees nie. Gr 1 A 1 en Gr 1 A 2 (Kampus 1) hou hulle fondsinsameling Vrydag 29 April.
Baie dankie vir die ondersteuning sover, dit word baie waardeer. Ons maakSLEGS koeldrank en drank blikkies bymekaar, met ander woorde, net blikkies waarin drinkbare vloeistowwe was. Geen kosblikkies nie,asseblief.
Dit blyk dat die kopluisplaag weer kop uitsteek. Ons doen ‘n beroep op ELKE ouer om sy/haar kind/ers se kop sorgvuldig vir luis te ondersoek en te behandel. Indien die skool ‘n luis op ‘n kind se kop kry, sal die ouer ongelukkig die leerling moet kom haal en kan die leerling eers weer terugkeer indien sy/haar hare totaal behandel en luisvry is. Neem kennis dat elke kind die risiko loop en dat dit seisoenaal is, algemeen in skole voorkom en niks is om oor skaam te voel nie. Ondersoek asseblief u kind se hare.
- Baie geluk aan Juffrou Kreshenke Fourie (GR. 6) wat Saterdag gekies is as ‘n Mej. Kaapstad finalis.