Dear Parent
PENTECOSTWishing you a happy and inspired Pentecost. ACTS 1:8 But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth. IMPORTANT DATES:17 May 19:00 BDG – Build Destinatus Group 20 May 11:00 – 12:00 Open day: Campus 1 7 June 19:00 BDG – Build Destinatus Group 10 June 8:00 – 9:00 Open day: Campus 1 16 June YOUTH DAY SCHOOL IS CLOSED 17 June PUBLIC SCHOOL HOLIDAY – SCHOOL IS CLOSED (determined by the Department of Education.) RUGBY
CROSS COUNTRY0/ 9, 10, 11 & 13 Outfits: Every runner must wear the Destinatus shorts and short sleeve Destinatus shirt. They may wear the tracksuit beforehand. Please remember the white socks and white takkies. Transport: Parents are requested to please help with transport organise with friends to transport runners to and from the venue where the cross country will take place. Races: Dates and venues will be communicated with parents beforehand. Learners will receive a letter at least two days before the race to confirm where and when they will be taking part. Unfortunately dates of events may change due to a change in arrangements from hosting schools. Events may also be added to the schedule, due to invitations from other schools throughout the term. It will be communicated to you in advance if it happens. CAMPUS 2 – SPEEDINGWe urge our parents to please abide by the speed limit of 20 km/h when dropping or fetching your child (ren). Parents who do not adhere to this will sternly be addressed. FUNDRAISINGClass sales go towards our Funds for Readers. There will be a Cake Sale this week at Campus 2 by (GR 3E1) on Thursday 9 May 2016. STAFFTeacher Kreshencke Fourie (GR.6) will participate in Miss Cape Town beauty pageant on Saturday 14 May 2016. We wish her all the best. BIRTHDAYSAuntie Amanda (Office Campus 2) Sunday 15 May 2016
We trust that they will have a lovely day, filled with God’s grace, love and special blessings. Enjoy your birthday, Auntie Amanda and Teacher Sonja.
Liewe Ouer
PINKSTER‘n Geseënde Pinkster tyd word u toegewens. HANDELINGE 1:8 Maar julle sal krag ontvang wanneer die Heilige Gees oor julle kom, en julle sal my getuies wees in Jerusalem sowel as in die hele Judéa en Samaría en tot aan die uiterste van die aarde. BELANGRIKE DATUMS:17 Mei 19:00 BDG – Bou Destinatus Groep 20 Mei 11:00 – 12:00 Opedag: Kampus 1 7 Junie 19:00 BDG – Bou Destinatus Groep 10 Junie 8:00 – 9:00 Opedag Kampus 1 16 Junie JEUGDAG SKOOL IS GESLUIT 17 Junie SKOLE VAKANSIE DAG – SKOOL IS GESLUIT (Bepaal deur Departement van Onderwys) SPORTRUGBY
LANDLOOP0/9, 10, 11 en 13 Kleredrag: Elke atleet moet in sy/haar Destinatus kortbroek/skort en kortmouhempie (Destinatus somersdrag) wedlope doen. Hulle mag voor die tyd ‘n Destinatus sweetpak aanhê. Onthou asb. die wit tekkies en wit sokkies. Vervoer: Ouers word versoek om asseblief met vervoerreëlings behulpsaam te wees of met vriende te reël om deelnemers na en van die venue waar hulle deelneem te vervoer. Byeenkomste: Byeenkomste sal vroegtydig met ouers gekommunikeer word. Leerders sal ten minste twee dae voor die tyd ’n brief ontvang wat inligting deurgee van waar en wanneer hulle sal deelneem. Ongelukkig mag datums as gevolg van reëlings wat deur die gasskool getref word, verander. Wedlope kan ook bygevoeg word, indien skole ons deur die loop van die kwartaal uitnooi. Indien dit gebeur sal dit vroegtydig aan ouers gekommunikeer word. KAMPUS 2 – SPOEDOns doen ‘n ernstige beroep op ons ouers om asseblief by die spoedbeperking van 20km per uur te hou wanneer leerders afgelaai of opgetel word. Ouers wat die veiligheidsreël verontagsaam, sal aangespreek word. FONDSINSAMELINGKlasverkope is ten bate van die LEESBOEKFONDS. GR (3E1) het Donderdag 12 Mei 2016 hulle koekverkoping by Kampus 2. PERSONEELJuffrou Kreshenke Fourie (GR.6) neem Saterdag 14 Mei 2016 deel aan Mej. Kaapstad. Ons wens haar alle voorspoed toe. VERJAARSDAE
Ons hoop dat hulle dag en jaar gevul sal wees met God se genade, liefde en seën. Lekker verjaar Tannie Amanda en Juffrou Sonja. |