Geagte Ouers,
Baie welkom by die skool! Mag 2016 ‘n geseënde jaar wees. Ons sien
daarna uit om vanjaar weer lekker saam te woel en te werskaf.
Ons wil sommer wegspring deur ‘n ALGEMENE VERGADERING vir ALLE
Gr 1 – 7 ouers op Dinsdag, 19 Januarie om 19:00 by Kampus 1 te hou. Dit
word op dieselfde aand aangebied, aangesien ons ongelukkig die saal by Kampus 1
slegs op ‘n Dinsdagaand kan gebruik. Ons wil alle ouers so gou moontlik van
verwikkelinge inlig en die geleentheid gee om vrae te stel.
U sal ook geleentheid sal kry om die nuwe klasonderwysers te
ontmoet en die vooruitsig vir die jaar te bespreek. Geen leerders sal by
hierdie geleentheid afsonderlik bespreek kan word nie.
Die verskillende aktiwiteite wat deur die Destinatus Sport
Akademie en Destinatus Leer en Ontwikkelingsentrum aangebied sal word, sal ook
bekend gestel word.
As gevolg van beperkte ruimte versoek ons vriendelik dat daar
asseblief geen kinders die aand sal bywoon nie. O
ns hoop om almal daar te sien.
Dear Parents
A hearty welcome to our school! May 2016 be a blessed year. We are
forward to a year of great teamwork and tackling various projects and tasks
We want to start by having a GENERAL MEETING for all Gr 1-7
parents at Campus1 on Tuesday, 19 January 2016 at 19h00. We can,
unfortunately, only use the hall on a Tuesday evening, the reason for seeing
all our parents together. We would like to, as soon as possible, inform our
parents about the latest developments and give you the opportunity to ask your
You will also get a chance to meet your child(ren)’s
teacher(s) and discuss, in broad detail, the run of and expectations for this
year. There won’t be time to discuss any individual learners on this evening.
The various activities available at the Destinatus Sports Academy
and the Destinatus Learning & Development Centre will also be introduced to
Due to limited space, we kindly request that no children attend
this meeting, please.
We hope to see all of you there.
Kind regards
The Destinatus Team